• Patriarchal power relations, victimisation and criminalisation is in prostitution maintained by the fact that prostitutes constitute a hidden social group and that legal policies are not based on their needs and interests.
    Iztok Šori on prostitution
  • The complex phenomena of nationalism and racism necessitate, alongside their historical, socio-economic and geopolitical characteristics, analysing also their intertwining and interdependence in the present.
    Veronika Bajt on contemporary nationalism and racism
  • In order to achieve a more even and equitable distribution of goods, capital, or food, development policies and strategies are not enough. It is necessary to ensure policy coherence in all areas that have any influence on the development field or the development of "developing countries".
    Maja Ladić on development policies
  • Although in times considered normal the quest for truth is not essential in political space; today telling the truth and disclosing facts has become a political act par excellence. As such, the quest for truth is now where the key political battle is being fought. This is not a good sign: It shows that we live in difficult, dark times.
  • Neoliberalism sees economic growth and technological innovations as the only means of social progress. It overlooks that in last century important social innovations were inspired by civil society movements for equality like feminism, antiracism, fight for human rights, movements for the rights of gays and lesbians and people with disabilities.
    Majda Hrženjak on the progressiveness of equality
  • Politics of emancipation exists only in the processes of proclaiming, declaring and performing that appear as active thought-practice which is at the same time and without mediation stated and implemented by its protagonist activist, militant and is a result of a universal thought, where all differences disintegrate or become completely irrelevant.
    Lana Zdravković on politics of emancipation
  • The reasons for the expansion of anti-political and anti-media sentiment can be explained by the reflection of "post-democracy", the current situation in which democratic structures are becoming more and more empty, when classic party politics is transformed into a spectacle, and when the argumentative debate leading to rational decisions on matters of public relevance is replaced with one-line tweets.
    Mojca Pajnik, Mladina
  • The state must provide redress for all victims of erasure, regardless of their status in Slovenia – they were all erased illegally and their rights were violated.
    Katarina Vučko on remedying the violations of human rights of the erased persons of Slovenia
  • If we want to change the existing inequalities between genders, gender equality must include all, women and men, by addressing different needs and specific situations of individuals.
    Živa Humer on gender equality

M6_logo barvnaWe are not leaving Metelkova!

On 19th October 2020,  the first day of the declaration of the epidemic, the Ministry of Culture sent a letter of eviction to all 18 non-governmental organizations operating at Metelkova 6 due to the renovation of the building. The event launched a lot of responses. We gathered all the letters of support, petitions and media responses on one spot.
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MI30-fb-cover (002)miniThe Peace Institute is celebrating its 30th anniversary

The Peace Institute is a independent and non-profit research institution founded in 1991 by individuals who believed in peaceful conflict resolution, equality and respect for human rights standards. Peace Institute vision is open, thoughtful and politically active community, based on the principle of equality. We will mark three decades of our work with a series of events that will take place in June 2021.
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Public statements | 21/10/2020

Response to the attack of the Ministry of Culture on non-governmental organizations at No. 6 Metelkova Street

We hereby inform the Ministry of Culture and the government of the Republic of Slovenia that we have no intention of leaving No. 6 Metelkova and that we will resist with all possible means these attacks on civil society, independent culture, and democracy.
Read the full statement